Bipolar Disorder: Diagnostics and Treatment

Topic: Psychiatry
Words: 952 Pages: 3


Bipolar disorder is one of the distinctive illnesses categorized under the level III HCC concepts posing a profound challenge to individuals’ health index. The disease significantly impacts the person’s mental and psychological well-being due to the varying degrees of petulance. The core mandate of medical practitioners entails incorporating effective remedies for the sick to enhance the living quotient. Therefore, it is critical to develop a framework fostering an elevated recovery essence to alleviate the trickle-down negative effects. Metaparadigm of nursing is an evidence-based practice that proficiently improves the management and treatment of bipolar disorder based on the advocacy for the involvement of all relevant stakeholders.

Bipolar Disorder Pathophysiology

The pathophysiological condition of bipolar disorder entails a disorientation of the brain functions, thus leading to significant mood swings. Scholars further establish that depression and drug addictions proficiently contribute to the complications of bipolar disorder due to the stress fostered by the brain and the production of hormones (Douglas et al., 2018). The increase in trepidation and substance abuse enhances the body’s reaction to emotional appeals. One of the vital factors justifying the integrative dynamic aspects of rehabilitation enshrines the optimal anxiety the family experiences during the therapeutic process (Yapici Eser et al., 2018). Primarily, it is essential to establish an effective psychotherapy management plan that positively affects the well-being of relatives and friends.

Treatment Options and Nursing Interventions

The exploration of bipolar disorder fosters the development of a health solution to advance the well-being of personalities. Bolton et al. (2021) offer the determination to implement a compelling treatment aspect along the gradient of a trimodal characteristic as a treatment option. It is the responsibility of key stakeholders to coordinate the reconstruction of the medication model for bipolar disorder patients (Jawad et al., 2018). Different studies indicate the importance of balancing economic prosperity and citizens’ welfare (Douglas et al., 2018). Therefore, the in-depth justification of dynamic perspectives on bipolar disorder treatment fosters elevated facilitation and participation of relatives and institutions proficiently encompassing the metaparadigm of nursing. Fundamentally, the scheme offers an insight that is assertive through the recognition of the distinctive developmental phases and the standard age of bipolar disorder diagnosis among Americans.

Communication with patients who are in a state of mild to moderate mania or depression is usually not difficult. Still, a qualified nurse must be able to communicate with patients who express delusional ideas. The sister can always suggest moving the conversation to the evening when the severity of the patient’s affective disorders usually subsides. Physicians treating patients with affective disorders often resort to rating scales to control the correct dosing of drugs or confidence in the effectiveness of prescribed medications (Jawad et al., 2018). There are simple scales available for use in a wide range of medical practices, which can be considered the major nursing interventions contributing to the more comfortable treatment of patients with bipolar disorder.

Research Findings

Bipolar disorder poses a proficient impact on the social health index in the U.S. due to its prevalence. According to Bolton et al. (2021), at least 4% of the U.S. population entails individuals suffering from bipolar disorder. Further, the researchers establish a common challenge negatively affecting the efficacy level of treatment aspects, which is the amplified dependence rate of the victims on a functional support system (Bolton et al., 2021). It is the core responsibility of medical practitioners to diagnose and determine the stages and the initial patient’s age since the inception of the illness for an effective plan of care. On the one hand, Bolton et al. (2021) indicate that it is crucial to establish a trimodal spectrum on developmental phases. On the other hand, the scholar indicates that distinctive studies and medical appeals demonstrate bimodal perspectives on sickness (Miklowitz, 2018). Understanding the stratum of the psychological condition, bipolar disorder fosters the derivation of a potent psychotherapeutic approach, hence attributing to a decreased case frequency.

Bipolar disorder significantly affects the mental well-being of the individual due to the variant mood swings, depression and pressure. During the assessment by Bolton et al. (2021) concerning the developmental phases, the researchers realized an inherent issue based on contrasting overviews. Despite the conditional outset on the age of acquisition and the levels of illness advancement, it is difficult to implement the dynamic treatment perspective (Jawad et al., 2018). Jawad et al. (2018) further establish that the metaparadigm of nursing encapsulates the interplay of health index, personal attributes, nursing strategies, and environmental conditions. As a result, the researchers recommend the exploitation of a mainframe to enhance engagement between the victim, medical practitioner, and relatives (Bolton et al., 2021). The medication of bipolar disorder under the entity enshrines an apt intersection of the remedy based on the age of the victims.


Consequently, the implementation of the metaparadigm of nursing fosters an elevated recovery rate from diseases. However, it is challenging to incorporate the practice within the treatment model of bipolar disorder mainly as a result of inaccurate perspectives on the age of the illness’ onset among U.S. citizens. The core mandate of physicians and relevant organizations engulfs the integration of core ideologies to determine bipolar disorder’s causative agents and their relation to human growth and development. The initiative plays a significant role in the advancement of interdependence on medication properties.

Therefore, the impact of the metaparadigm on nursing care is related to the significant difficulties of the actual realization of this approach. Due to the lack of accurate data, the approach can be distorted, resulting in a higher workload for nurses and worse patient outcomes. It is highly recommended to start with conducting scientific research and gaining the data and statistics to form accurate perspectives on the age of the illness’ onset of patients.


Bolton, S., Warner, J., Harriss, E., Geddes, J., & Saunders, K. E. (2021). Bipolar disorder: Trimodal age‐at‐onset distribution. Bipolar Disorders, 23(4), 341-356. Web.

Douglas, K. M., Gallagher, P., Robinson, L. J., Carter, J. D., McIntosh, V. V., Frampton, C. M., Watson, S., Young, A., Ferrier, N., & Porter, R. J. (2018). Prevalence of cognitive impairment in major depression and bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 20(3), 260-274. Web.

Jawad, I., Watson, S., Haddad, P. M., Talbot, P. S., & McAllister-Williams, R. H. (2018). Medication nonadherence in bipolar disorder: A narrative review. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 8(12), 349-363. Web.

Miklowitz, D. J. (2018). The bipolar disorder survival guide: What you and your family need to know. Guilford Publications.

Yapici Eser, H., Kacar, A. S., Kilciksiz, C. M., Yalçinay-Inan, M., & Ongur, D. (2018). Prevalence and associated features of anxiety disorder comorbidity in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis and meta-regression study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 229. Web.