Clinical Judgment and Intuition in Nursing

Topic: Nursing
Words: 829 Pages: 3


The article to be reviewed in my paper is ‘Thinking like a Nurse: A Research-Based Model of Clinical Judgment in Nursing.’ The essay aims at reviewing the emergent body of research displaying clinical assessment in a nursing environment. Contextually, the article presents the alternative decision-making method based on nursing training that healthcare personnel can use to handle patients in the hospital (Tanner, 2006). This essay discusses the most remarkable aspects that influence clinical judgment and intuition’s part in a clinical judgment situation. Finally, the paper will present some ways that an individual can use to develop nursing intuition, as discussed in the article.

Most significant Influences on Clinical Judgment

As per the article, the clinical judgment refers to the conclusion or interpretation about the needs of patients, their health complications or worries, and the underlying decisions to take actions in modifications of their expected outcomes. Clinical judgment is predisposed by various aspects which have been presented. Firstly, the latter mentioned clinical judgment is influenced by nursing care unit cultured context. According to scholars’ exploration of nursing work in acute care environments, some appropriate influences induce nursing judgment (Tanner, 2006). The factors extend more than the regular textbook, implying that the elements are not limited to books. The specified details of patients, routine workflow, and knowledge of the unit are the key aspects that determine nursing culture since they prioritize their tasks. Social and political contexts have essential outstanding effects on nursing judgment. The status inequities and interdisciplinary relationships determine the assessments which exist between nurses and physicians. Some consider themselves to be critical than others leading to differences between the groups.

Secondly, the aforementioned clinical judgment can be influenced by knowing the patient’s typical responses to issues and engaging in the patient’s concerns. It is a factor that binds the patient together with the healthcare provider’s inclusion of a physician or a doctor. The healthcare practitioners consider the clinical judgment in a healthcare unit to know the patient better. It is an aspect that involves understanding the patient’s needs and having me hear about their past illness experiences, and finally conceptualizing how they respond to medication (Tanner, 2006). The nurses use the phrase of knowing patients to understand them as a person and get their patterns of responses.

Additionally, clinical judgment is influenced by what a healthcare provider brings to the situation compared to objective data at hand. The stated determination requires generalizable, abstract, and practical knowledge in various conditions derived from theory and science. The knowledge is applied in situations where nurses encounter difficult situations to handle in their line of duty. Nurses have different perspectives to address problems best explained by their essential disposition of right or wrong. For instance, clinicians have different feelings towards pain among the patients hence differing in the techniques of treatments that they use to address the issues. Finally, I consider both experience and knowledge to be the most significant influences on clinical judgment (Tanner, 2006). Nurses require experiences in their daily clinical duties to improve their thinking process, termed knowledge acquaintance.

From my perspective, the critical part that intuition plays a clinical judgment is helping in decision-making. Intuition helps in a clinical practice associated with the nursing process in which it puts one’s knowledge into practice. A unique component allows nurses to know whether their decisions are wrong or right before concluding. As a result, it helps process the information that has been given by the patient’s inclusion of their illness experiences and history to help establish an appropriate diagnosis (Tanner, 2006). In nursing practice, individuals can consider intuition to include clues and components necessary to make decisions, validate, and support. To develop a practical nursing intuition, I will follow some basic steps. Since I consider intuition to be a process based on care experience and knowledge with a piece of research-based evidence, I will initiate objective data that I will aim to achieve. My objectives will be entitled to the right decisions as applied from intuition synthesis. I will later analyze the synthesized decisions at hand with knowledge application hence addressing the final issue of the patient.


Conclusively, the steps that I will follow for displaying intuition in a healthcare unit will include the application of the client’s explanations, experiences of the patient’s historical illness, and assertiveness of the drug’s reactions. However, when there is a direct relationship between the patients and their nurse, I will follow unique connections, body responses, and underlying personal qualities. Since nursing healthcare is an environment mainly defined by the patients and clinicians, I will ensure that I base my facts on the various experiences nurses had with their patients across their careers. Finally, for the nursing process, I will use guidance and support towards my patients, providing clues in decision-making and component validation of the stated decisions in healthcare. Intuition is an essential aspect in a clinical setting because it helps nurses make the right decisions increasing patient care quality and safety.


Tanner, C. A. (2006). Thinking like a nurse: A research-based model of clinical judgment in nursing. Journal of nursing education, 4(56), 204-211. Web.

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